When you are dealing with a hoarse voice, it is important to rest it as much as you can. If your voice or throat has been hoarse for a couple of weeks, it might be time to see an ear, nose, and throat doctor. Let your doctor know if you have been coughing up blood, feel a lump in your neck, are having trouble breathing, or other complications. The ear, nose, and throat specialists at Greenwich Ear, Nose, and Throat - Head and Neck Surgery, serving Greenwich, CT, Stamford, CT, and Westchester, NY, can help you find the cause of your hoarseness and help you treat it. This may include making certain lifestyle changes, taking medication, undergoing surgery, or getting voice therapy. For more information or to set up services with our ear, nose, and throat office, contact us today!
Serving Greenwich, CT, Stamford, CT & Westchester, NY
- Elise Cheng, MD
Greenwich Office
49 Lake Avenue, Suite 103
Greenwich, CT 06830
Phone: (203) 869-2030
Fax: (203) 869-9262
Stamford Office
125 Strawberry Hill Ave., Suite 103
Stamford, CT 06902
Phone: (203) 348-7797
Fax: (203) 964-3140